9/11 Memorial & Museum

We'd like to thank the 9/11 Memorial & Museum for all the great work they do to honor all those who were lost on 9/11 and for the care and compassion they show to victim's families. If you are ever in New York, please visit the site. It is somber, yet powerful.

Dom's location is at the South Pool: Panel S-31. He is there with his Euro Brokers Inc. colleagues. See image to the left for more information.

Closter 9/11 Memorial

Following the tragedies of September 11, 2001, Dom's hometown of Closter created a memorial. The memorial evolved as a group volunteer effort. This memorial represents the embodiment of cooperation and community.

The Closter 9/11 Memorial is located in a quiet, serene park setting allowing for reflection and remembrance.

You can visit the site which is located at Harrington Avenue and Old Closter Dock Road in Closter, New Jersey.